The Best Weather Of The Year In Vegas Begins Now

I was sitting outside yesterday afternoon, drinking the last of my Snow Day Winter Ale from New Belgium brewery and taking in the sun when I looked at the weather report and noticed that the temperature is heading into the mid 80’s this weekend. Las Vegas is heading into the best weather of the year!

As a visitor April and May were my favorite times of the year for Vegas weather. As a resident of Las Vegas (remember Vegas and Las Vegas are different) that has extended into March. March is when the weather begins to warm up and while it reaches perfection all the fun begins now. Outdoor drinking and dining have just started and soon I won’t be as dependent on sunlight to keep warm.

It’s officially pool season and the high temperatures are only in the mid 80’s. The low temperatures don’t feel as drastic as other times of the year and are in the 60’s which is almost perfect for the nighttime. In the next couple of months those highs will creep into the 90’s and begin to touch 100’s.

100 sounds brutal but it’s not. Zero humidity makes 100 degrees much more pleasant than anyone living in humidity will understand. The dry heat myth isn’t a myth.

The summer has its nice days but it gets a little too warm for my taste and even though I rarely get cold I can’t enjoy the winter days outside like I can in the spring. Sure the fall is nice too but that seems to last only a couple of weeks. Vegas has 2 more months of perfect weather ahead.

This is the best time of the year to live in or visit Vegas.

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