Blackjack Dealer Bust Rates

Most people know blackjack myths but I prefer to look at blackjack facts. You know, the stuff that actually happens and not stuff that people think is true but isn't.…

Video Poker Of The Beast

I've written about my fascination with "Number of the Beast" at the casino more than a couple times but I have yet to capture the beast on camera. Until last week…

More Evil Vegas

Yeah! I found more evil (haunted in this case) in Las Vegas. Halloween in November continues! Unfortunately, there's no Iron Maiden needed here. Although we're close to "The Number of…

Roulette Is The Beast

It's always fun when I can find an excuse to work Iron Maiden into my day. Today's "Number Of The Beast" tidbit is that the numbers on a roulette wheel…

Interview With Jay Kornegay From LVH

Jay Kornegay from the LVH SuperBook is one of the more senior sportsbook bosses in Las Vegas today. He's often the go-to guy for mainstream media when they have questions…

Royal Flush!

I was going through my RSS feeds yesterday and found this pic of 4 urinals cut out with a spade, diamond, heart and diamond and figured I'd pass it on…