“Vegas” Begins Tonight on CBS

"Vegas" begins airing every Tuesday on CBS beginning tonight. The Las Vegas media is stoked about this show (they're stoked on everything), but judging from this trailer it seems more…

Upcoming Comedians at the Improv

Here's a list of the upcoming comedians coming to the Improv at Harrah's in Las Vegas. 9/18-9/23 > JOEL LINDLEY > GENE POMPA > DAVID GEE 9/25-9/30 > DAT PHAN…

New PEEPSHOW Star…Who Ya Got?

According to the Las Vegas Sun PEEPSHOW is negotiating with both Jenny McCarthy AND Carmen Electra to replace Holly Madison. Vegas DeLuxe learned last week that New York producers at…

Anything Can Happen

If you watch "Las Vegas" as often as I do you may have been startled when the show abruptly stopped airing on TNT midway through the fifth season a couple…