A British Guy Goes To Vegas

Paul Carr, a journalist for Huffington Post and other sites, is spending a month in Las Vegas and is writing about his travels.  It could be interesting, it could be boring but if the guy is a good writer then he should provide a month of solid reading material.

Check out Paul Carr’s Huffinton Post articles and follow him on twitter to get the 411.  The video below, from Tech Crunch, is about 12 minutes long but interesting enough for me to keep an eye on his stuff to see how his trip goes.

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  1. JMP

    I’d be perfectly happy to write a series of articles from the American-who-hasn’t-yet-soured-on-Vegas POV. Maybe your vegaschatter overlords can fund it? 🙂

    • Marc

      Haha…we’ll keep that to ECG 🙂

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