Who Is Amber Rose?

Pool parties and nightlife in Vegas are awesome. In fact, celebrity in Vegas is awesome. The people called celebrities in Las Vegas are legends in their own minds, as well as the promoters. Yes, it makes me chuckle. I’ve always randomly popped a good looking girl from a Las Vegas appearance on here because who doesn’t like a good looking girl? The more I look at Vegas news the more I see less and less famous celebrities and it makes me smile.

After two weeks of Holly’s World guests (Holly, Angel) at the Go Pool at Flamingo I was thinking we might see Laura Croft but that wasn’t the case. Anyway, I couldn’t figure out who was less famous at the Vegas pools this week and it was a battle. The was a woman from Real Housewives and Amber Rose, who is “famous” because she used to date Kanye West. She also has creepy eyes. The eyes have it an Amber Rose at Tao Beach is the winner of Vegas Non-Famous Non-Celebrity of the week – or something like that. I think Amber Rose is a model, but all I could find on her appearance is that she used to date Kanye.

Kanye West College Dropout
Kanye West College Dropout


  1. FoolsGold

    Don’t know Amber, Don’t know Kane.

    • AC2LV

      FG, do you really not know who Kanye West is?

  2. FoolsGold

    I do now… I googled him. Rap is some sort of loud talkin’ set to music. It was all a waste of keystrokes. Please send him a clip from Cool Hand Luke: “Any man a loud talkin’ spends a night in the box”.

    • AC2LV

      I was curious as he’s one of the more famous rappers. I’m not into his music, but he’s a famous dude. I’ll consider this a little education from here. Go bikini girls! Haha.

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