Coco Extended At PeepShow

Coco Austin has extended her stay with Peepshow at Planet Hollywood through July.

The new deal is a four-month extension, as Coco’s original contract ends in March, and she plans to continue performing in seven shows a week.

“I am beyond thrilled to continue performing in ‘Peepshow,’ ” said Coco in a news release. “This has been an amazing new chapter in my life, and I am excited to continue with the cast for another four months.”

I don’t know many people that have seen Coco performing with Peepshow. Holly Madison seems to be all the Peepshow anyone could want (and that’s not saying much). I haven’t heard anything bad about Coco.

The worst thing I’ve heard is that you can tell that she’s trying. I guess that’s better than not putting in any effort to be good like some of the previous leading ladies of Peepshow.

Photo: Hawt Celebs

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